Apply to Join ASHWG Name * First Name Last Name Pronouns: Email * Phone (###) ### #### Organizaiton Address How did you hear about ASHWG Have you been involved with ASHWG in the past? If yes, please describe: Does anyone else from your organization currently participate in ASHWG? Why are you interested in participating in ASHWG? How does your current role relate to adolescent sexual health? How does your work impact adolescent sexual health in California? What does Reproductive Justice mean to you and how do you integrate it into your work? Please share your experience in diversity, inclusion, and cultural humility and how you've applied them to your work: Please indicate the areas of expertise you bring to ASHWG (check all that applied) Youth Development Sexual and health program development Clinical/medical Development Advocacy Communications/Media Use this area to describe other areas of expertise not listed in the checkboxes Please describe any other relevant skills, areas of interest, or experience: Members are required to attend at least two of the three annual membership meetings. Are you willing to commit to attending these meetings? Yes No Do you have the support of our employer to participate? Yes No Each member is responsibe for serving on at least one standing sub-comittee. Please check the sub-committee(s) you may be interested in joining: Data & Evaluation Policy Communications Thank you!